Providing comic relief … Elbow (Bonaros) joins Lucio […] and Pompey […] in hilarious shenanigans [...]The Villager
Bonaros’ […] a cappella music in this production adds a lot of depth and texture […] The vocal work in this production is some of the finest I have heard in indie
Bonaros […] was a very believable, hysterical priest.The National Herald
[Bonaros] sings a stunning duetPhiladelphia Arcade
Demetrios Bonaros does a hilarious bit with a cane.The Daily Gazette
a company of accomplished singers … leading man Demetrios Bonaros nicely transits through the stages of life, from yearning boy to demented
Bonaros… gives a marvelous and multi-faceted performance as he sings, dances, plays piano, and picks
commanding performer […] penetrating, concert-worthy voice.Blog Critics Magazine
The cast members' (especially Callari, Bonaros, and Goodgold) stunning, powerful voices reverberate forcefully against the tiny theater's walls.The L Magazine
Bonaros […] acts the goofy, hippiesque Mysterious Man with winning style. He is developing a talent for portraying counter-culture types that appears both honest and knowing.Main Line Life